It’s Time For Sleep: A Mindfulness-Based Bedtime Book
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What people are saying about It’s Time For Sleep
“It’s Time for Sleep has transformed bedtime at our house. The deep breathing exercises are an engaging way for us to settle down and practice mindfulness together before bed. It has put the kids (ages 6 & 4) right to sleep several times before we are even done with the book! I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to create a mindfulness practice for their kids and bedtime routine.” ~ N.W., Licensed Clinical Social Worker
“We’re enjoying It’s Time for Sleep. Already it is reminding me to breathe more. Such a gift.” ~ JS, mom of 2
Why I wrote this book
A common challenge I hear from child caregivers involves getting kids to settle down for the night. At the end of the day, everyone’s tired and kids are, often, over-tired making for a, potentially, difficult situation. This book is designed with two intentions in mind. The most immediate goal is to help kids settle down and be ready for sleep on any given night. Sleep specialists teach that maximum benefit of sleep is derived when people establish a consistent bedtime, one that is adhered to during the week as well as on weekends. The establishment of a consistent pre-bedtime ritual, for children and adults, facilitates winding down at the end of the day and prepares the mind/body for sleep. Establishing a consistent bedtime that comes at the end of a consistent pre-bedtime routine will benefit anyone, regardless of age.

both at bedtime and during waking hours
The second goal is to provide children with an awareness of the power of their breath to change their physical/emotional states. Learning to downregulate the nervous system by managing the breath is a valuable skill that will be useful throughout the lifespan. When children become emotionally dysregulated during waking hours, caregivers can help them calm down by assisting them to “use your belly breath” to move toward self-regulation. Have the child place one hand on their belly and the other on their heart. Then, instruct them to use the deep-breathing technique taught in this book to focus on using their breath to move the belly hand before the heart hand moves. Caregivers, who may not be aware of the healing effects of breath management and a consistent bedtime routine, will also benefit from the lessons in this book.
It is my hope that, by teaching children the calming effects of breath management and welcoming their bedtime, the world will grow to be more grounded and feel a greater sense of peace. Happy Zzzzzzz for the whole family.